Thursday, October 16, 2014

This week....

School pictures...there are no words. :) I didn't order any for the boys...but so glad we got this proof home. These are truly a keepsake!

Sophia has been complaining about her ankle for over a week now. We're not sure what she did....but it has been hurting. So I finally took her to AH Minor Emergency and she left in a boot. They tend to be a bit overly cautious there. Said it was a growth plate sprain and to keep her in the boot for a week.
So...this is how I found her clothes for the next day. :)

And...last but not least...we had one participant for the bike rodeo this year. Joshua did not want to do it and Sophia has the boot on. So, Jake was the only one representing the Wee Wille's. He has been quick to point out "This is my LAST bike rodeo at Northwood!!" And he ended up getting 3rd place. Way to go Jake!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Catching Up...

Wow...not sure what happened the past few weeks. I think life got in the way of blogging!!!
What have we been up to??
Well...watching Jake's last PTA program at Northwood! 5th grade sang 3 patriotic songs.
Hard to believe this is the program we watched just 5 short years ago!!! Time flies!

We've been spending a lot of time on soccer fields! Joshua has one practice and Jake has two each week. Both boys are really enjoying it!!
Sophia gets to hang out with little ones while the boys practice.

And...we have time for snow cones on Wednesdays after school. A cool treat on a hot day!!!

This morning was Donuts for Dads at school. All 3 were up early and coloring at the table waiting for Mike to get ready to leave.

Life seems pretty fast paced right now. But everyone is happy!