Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Part 2...

Here are some more pictures from Christmas. Sophia in an over the top girly moment...the shoes, the make-up bag, the lip gloss and the hair dryer. I don't know where she gets all this!!
Jake in his new skates. He was really excited!!

Here's a short clip of Jake skating with my mom. He thought it was very cool to be big enough to skate with her. I added music to the video. Maybe one day (with enough practice) he'll be able to skate as fast as the music is playing!


Kelly said...

Your top is SUPER cute! I bought RYan that same sweatshirt that jake is wearing!

Shalon said...

I LOVE sophia's pose! And Jansen has that same dress...I LOVE it!!!

Funny how our daughters have the same clothes and you and Kel's sons have the same clothes....great minds, great style I tell ya!!!!