Saturday, June 19, 2010

Craft space...

It's official...I've taken over the dining room. I had to get things in order. I couldn't continue to work in the mess. So, thanks to a tip from a friend, I got this bookshelf for $5 at a garage sale. The rods for the ribbon and plastic bins were $21. I went through my fabric. Got rid of some, folded and organized the rest. And for a grand total of $ went from this:To this:
While I'm working I can cover the dining room table and use it as a work space. But, everything can be put back pretty neatly. Now we can use the dining room when we need it for its "official" use. The folding table and sewing machine can be put away easily. A big big improvement. Now it's on to tackle Joshua's room and later Sophia's room. I will get the house in order if it's the last thing I do!!!!!


maryh said...

i love the ribbon organization - i need that. can't wait to check it out in person. i am kind of re-thinking the nursery room here - i don't want to give up my studio!!

Kelly said...

I like it! You could even make a tension rod curtain to go over the top to really hide it when it's not in use! Great work!