Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day....Hooray!!

Very mixed feelings about school starting today. Happy at the summer is over, but sad that my kids are getting so big so fast! Jake's school starts at 7:30 this year....very early. He did a great job this morning and was happy to go to Mrs. Stapleton's room. And extra happy when Romey came in...I was quickly forgotten. But that's okay. I'm hoping when I pick him up today he has the same smile on his face!!!Sophia was super excited to see Mrs. Martha and all her friends. I know she'll have a great time in that class!
Now...seems kind of quiet around here. Joshua has asked for the big kids a few times. It will be an adjustment for all of us!


Kelly said...

Very very cute! they both look so big.
Hope the first day for both of them is G-R-E-A-T!

Shalon said...

Adorable!!!!! Poor Joshua...Hudson is lost without Jansen at Preschool too!!!