Monday, January 31, 2011

7 Years....

We made it 7 years....and then our "no stitches" run came to an abrupt end!!! I've been assured that one day we will want to look back at these pictures....otherwise I would not post them.

Jake learned a hard lesson....don't walk behind someone who is swinging a golf club. It's such a scary feeling when your child is walking towards you with lots of blood and you have no idea how bad the injury is or exactly what is wrong. Thank goodness for friends who can keep a level head.

Many stitches later, Jake is doing fine. I'm hoping it will not leave a scar. It's already looking SO much better. It's amazing how quickly kids can heal.

And in the meantime...I'm hoping it's another 7 years before we have to go through stitches again. Think we can make it????

1 comment:

Kelly said... day you'll want to see this!
And--chicks dig scars! ;)