Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ranch + Cousins = FUN!!!!

For the first time ever, all the Wille dads took the kids to the ranch for the weekend. Everyone but Vivienne. Let's take a minute to think about that....Mike AND all 3 kids at the ranch...means an empty house for me!!! 48 hrs of quiet!! I think this is a win-win situation!!!
It was Christopher's birthday so they headed up for some cousin time. They took a long hike. They made the "Wille Boy Trail" which later turned into the "Wille Kid Trail" so Sophia could be included.

LOTS of time spent on the swing set. Sophia's shoulders were sore from so many flips!
More hiking and exploring!

Some fishing....

Does this picture spell trouble or what???? 4 boys....two 6 year olds, a 4 and a 3 year old. Eeeeek!!! So much trouble but so much fun!

So glad they had a fun weekend. And I'll be time here was pretty nice. I worked almost the whole time and was able to get through a lot of orders!

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