Saturday, September 30, 2017

South Padre Island...

We had plans to go to Port A with the Dunlaps over Labor Day weekend. And then Hurricane Harvey hit...and it will be a long time until Port A is ready for tourists again.

So, we made Plan B and headed to South Padre. It was the first time we'd been there...and the drive was LONG but the beaches were beautiful. It's a very different feel than Port A. The beaches are cleaner, water clearer...much more of a resort feel.

Emmy loves the beach. She would collect a million shells if she could.

Lisbeth Anne is a master at sand sculptures! Each day she made a new creation.

 Joshua, Jonah and Jake...they played football and body surfed non stop!

Day one was a mermaid....

We taught the Dunlaps how to go crab hunting at night. The crabs are a lot bigger at South Padre. WOW!!! The Dunlaps showed us how to pull up ghost shrimps in the sand (using these PVC pipe sucker tools).

Day 2 was a shark....

 Look at his teeth....

 Day 3 was a monogram...South Padre Island. We used a new font called "mermaid." :)

They had parasailing and a banana boat ride by the condo we stayed at. John went with the kids on the banana boat. They all fell off...twice,

A rough day after the beach...possible broken toe(s) when Sophia kicked Jonah in the shin. He was fine...she was not. And Jake hurt his neck when they fell off the banana boat. Beach life can be dangerous!!

Feeding seagulls on the beach....

We had such a good time. So much fun to get away and spend time with good friends.

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