Sunday, August 12, 2018

Cousin Camp 2018!

 Cousin Camp 2018--Going back to our ranch roots!!! We did CC over the 4th of July and it was a blast! We introduced lanyards with the daily schedule! We were trying to cut down on the "what next" questions....and it did help. Lucy was all about wearing her tshirt and lanyard!

Brad led the games...and he had some good ones!!! Cotton balls, duct tape, clothespins, slip and slide. We had a good time!!! 

 The clothespin game was hysterical!!! NO CLUE how Jake was able to handle so many clothespins pinching him at once!!!

The dads took the kids fishing 2 times...once at Dugan's tank and once at Waco Wetlands. The fish were biting like crazy the first trip! I forget the exact number but they caught a TON!

Mary and Brad's neighborhood had an annual 4th of July parade. It was a cute parade (similar to the Northwood one).

 Ranger was tired!!! Mike even had to carry him for some of the parade.

 We went to Baylor to watch fireworks that evening. It was an amazing show and we had the best seats!!! And it was all free!!!

We tried a new thing this year...I had booked the easiest escape room, but when we got there, it was too small for 8 people, so they moved us to the 2nd hardest room. It was HARD and a little creepy. We did not get anywhere close to escaping! But it was fun (at least the adults thought so!!).

We ate at Penland a couple times. With Mary's discount, it was dirt cheap for all the kids.

We went to the West pool. It's such an old fashioned pool with a high dive and zip line.  They all loved the zip line! Mary did it too! :) 

Last year (at the beach) our annual scavenger hunt was less than exciting. We tried to step it up this year. Clues in code, a pinata, some hiking....we pulled out all the stops!

 All the clues had ingredients for ice cream sundaes! Yum!

 The annual picture....turns out this was actually the 10th annual. :)
Overall it was a really really fun time. Since the kids are getting so much bigger, they are able to do more, sleep later and have more fun. Since we dropped the ball on having an EPIC 10th cousin camp.....we'll have to make big plans for the 11th one next year. Hard to believe it's been 10 years of annual camp time. We had so many good and funny memories through the years. And I love how excited the kids get each year for cousin camp!

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