Monday, September 3, 2018

End of Summer....Beginning of School!!!!

 The group of Northwood kids had an end of summer pool party the day before school. So hard to believe these kids are going to be freshman!!! They've been together since Kindergarten. It's such a great group of kids!!!!

And then the first day of school came.....
No group picture before school. This is our one year of 3 schools. 3 start times, 3 dismissal times....and a whole lot of Mom trying to juggle it all!!!!! 

It's our last year at Northwood. Joshua got the teacher we hoped for...March Hildebrand (that Jake and Sophia both had). We love her! 

Sophia was up and agreed to a picture with Sophia. :) Our 5th and 7th grader!!!

This was all I got from the 9th grader! 

And we took at quick pic as he and Jonah walked into Mac for the first time. It seems SO big!!! I am worried and excited for him at the same time. He seems fine with making the jump to highschool! 

It's always a big sigh of relief to get them all out the door on the first day. And then I get to wonder all day how they are doing...and hope for a good report when I pick them up!

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