Sunday, February 17, 2019

Beach Fun....

The kids and I went with Lisbeth Anne and Emmy for a quick beach weekend. It was chilly and rainy...not the best weather for the beach, but we had fun. We went to "the secret beach" and found lots of shells! And lots of starfish!! We've never found them before and this trip we found atleast 10!! When we got home, Ranger ate some. :( I guess it must be the colder weather, but it was a GREAT time to find shells!!

We were sitting on these rocks on the jetty while watching the surfers. The waves were big and it was fun to watch. Then out of the blue, a BIG wave comes and soaks all of us except Emmy!! Needless to say it was a cold ride back to the house on the golf cart! The Dunlaps new house is so nice and it's fun to be able to go down there for a quick weekend!!

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