Thursday, June 13, 2019

5th Grade Walkout..

 I love watching the 5th graders "walk out" for the last time. It's so bittersweet. There were a lot of tears this year...but not from Joshua. He was ready to be done. The other 2 loved Mrs. Hildebrand, but he was not a super big fan. It was a little bit of a hard year. But she pushed him hard, he did very well academically and has a group of friends he really likes....and some are headed to Garner too.

 Love this Mom pic!!! We had special shirts made for all the moms to wear on the last day. Most of these families have been at Northwood all 6 years. And it was the last year for a lot of us. I love our little WoodHood and have so many memories with a lot of these moms.

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