Thursday, August 4, 2011

Celebrating #8

Jake had 3 birthday celebrations!! By the third one, I was worn out!!! On his actual birthday we went out to dinner and got frozen yogurt. On Saturday night for his friend party, he had 2 friends spend the night. It's the first time we've had a sleep over at our house!!! We went bowling, came back here for pizza and cake....and then the boys played Wii and DS games the rest of the night (and the morning too). They were all very good, but there was little sleeping going on. I think they finally crashed about 11 and then were up at 6:30!!! He had to have a nap on Sunday afternoon! Sunday evening the family came over for the last celebration. Captain America was the theme he wanted this year. So, 3 parties and 2 cakes later...I can officially say our oldest is 8 years old!! Wow!! Where did the time go????
Blue frosting is fun!!!
Baseball cap, undies with no shorts, cowboy boots....and Uncle Tim throwing you in the air. What more does a boy need???

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