Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School.....

All 3 kids went to school today. Can't believe we have a 2nd grader, a Kindergartner and a pre-schooler in the house!! The boys were very excited. Sophia...not so much. Things started off well at home.
Once we got to school...reality started to hit.
But seeing Finola helped....
We dropped Jake off first. He was so happy to go into his classroom. I think he's going to have a great year! And then....Kinder hallway...not so happy. This is how we left Sophia. I'm hoping her day improved. She didn't have a full out fit...but was close. There was some laying on the floor and refusing to get into her chair. But, when Mike left, Mrs. Schlough came over and Sophia listened to her and did what she was told. I'm hoping she walks out of school with a smile on today!
And Joshua...thrilled to be going to school!!! Walked him into his room and he said "When are you leaving Mommy?" Oh...the 3rd child. Watch out NPDS!!! He'll give you a run for your money!

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