Friday, April 9, 2010

Sewing machine creations....

The sewing machine has been running lately. I finally got a big order finished for the mom of one of Sophia's friends. 3 dresses, 2 t-shirts, 11 sets of bows and 1 little 9 month outfit. First time I've made something that small. I love the little diaper cover!!!
In this order was also "the dress that never ends"...and has been my biggest lesson of SLOW DOWN while sewing to date so far.....but this dress is finished now. And it came out pretty cute.

My nephew turns 1 next week and his party is this weekend. I made him 4 bibs like this one. I love these bibs!! They're super easy to make...especially when you use hand towels. I know they turn out cuter when you use the flannel fabric, but the towels are so easy!!!!

My first real public appearance...if you can call it tonight. I made 3 things for Sophia's school. They're having the annual Family Fun Night which includes a silent auction. I made a nap mat, hooded towel (no picture...darn!!) and a dress like "the dress that never ends." I'm hoping that I can make a little money for the school, but also pick up some business. My business cards and postcards will be out next to the items. So..we'll see how it goes.

Now one of these days I need to get Easter pictures posted!!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Those are awesome! Love the bibs. I swear those are the greatest!