Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Toddler Gone Wild...

Joshua has been fussy lately....and by that...I mean TERRIBLE!!!!! He's been so hard to deal with. I think it's a combination of teeth and possible ears. I keep thinking I might take him in, but decide to wait one more day.

Yesterday afternoon was no exception. He threw fit after fit about cereal in a bowl. So, being the good mom that I am, instead of trying to intervene and calm him down...I grab the video camera.

This is about 4 different little clips of the tantrum all put together. While you watch...don't feel sorry for the little guy. Sophia was fairly justified in her reaction!! And notice how she says "madness!!!" Hmmm....wonder where she got that from??? The last part is when I put him in his crib. Figured at least I could contain the madness to one room then!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

that's pitiful and funny all at the same time!