Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Moving up....

We made the big jump to a "real" kitchen table today. Our old table had a very very long life. We got it from my dad about 5 years ago. And my dad used it for at least 10 years before that. I realize that 15+ years isn't that long for a table...but this table had a hard life!!!

I found this table on Craigslist. Needs a little cleaning up, but I love it! And I love that it has 6 chairs!!! Now we all fit! I also think it looks a lot better with the other furniture we already have!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...


I think you just MIGHT need to come to CA and help me with window treatments. I'm so challenged...and yours are so cute!

I think we have the exact same baseboard, but ours is just a little bit taller! GMTA!