Tuesday, September 1, 2009

One Day I'll Laugh About This....

I can see Jake telling his teacher tomorrow "My mommy cried because I didn't eat my lunch yesterday." I know I need to get a grip. I've always known it but today it became a little clearer!!

Jake had a great first week of Kinder. This week, not so great. He's gotten in trouble both days. Moved his "clip" on the behavior chart. Yesterday I never got a clear answer about all that happened. This morning I talked to his teacher and found out (no surprise) that he was getting a new seat today and has had trouble listening, getting out of his chair, staying focused...etc. Really??? My child??? That's been my main concern all along. Jake has the attention span of about 5 seconds...on a good day!!

So today I found out that he threw rocks on the playground and moved his clip to red. According to him, he got to play with "nothing at all." Also when I picked him up he said he got a tray in the cafeteria...which would have been fine except that I packed his lunch for him!!! He loves to get a tray, but this week we planned out which days he would bring his lunch and I even made a little calendar for the week showing the schedule of trays vs. lunch boxes.

Well...lack of sleep, too high expectations...whatever it was I started crying after we got home. All the way home we talked about things, how to behave, the lunch box thing "when you bring your lunch box you have to eat it...you can't get a tray too!!!" Next thing I know I'm sitting in the dining room crying. Then...I hear Jake tell Sophia "Mommy is sad that I didn't eat my lunch. So now I need to eat it." And I see him get his lunch box out of the fridge and sit down at the table to eat it. That caused more tears. It seemed very black and white to him. He didn't eat his lunch, I was sad, so he tried to fix it.

I need to get a grip. It's only day 7 of Kinder. He is an easily distracted little guy. It's going to take time!!! And...at lunch today they were serving hamburgers. He loves hamburgers. And his teacher told him it was okay to get a tray (not sure what that's about...but whatever). So I can see from his point of view, it was fine to get a tray.

Tomorrow I will do better. I promise. And Jake says he will too!!!!


maryh said...

poor jake and poor amy. he will be fine. and you will be too. remember - you need to save some worry anyways for sophia and joshua :)

Shalon said...

oh, poor amy!!!! it will get better, I promise! and what a sweet boy to try and make his mommy happy. he'll get the hang of this school thing in no time...and then you'll have to worry about sophia!!!! At least you have Vegas to look forward to next week and take your mind off things!!!