Yesterday the kids went to a friends house to play. They have a boy in Kinder and a 4 year old that will go to Sophia's school next year. All was fine until it was time to go home. Sophia flipped out. Screaming, crying...even growled at the Dad when he said something like "thanks for coming to play." we'll be invited to play again!!!
Sophia was on her bike. I had the stroller with Joshua and Jake was pushing. Sophia takes off down the road...crying (with some screams) streamers just flying...totally NOT listening to me yelling "STOP" over and over.
Finally I had to take off running full speed to catch up with her. Poor Jake was almost crying running behind me "I can't run that fast Mommy." It was terrible. It really took me a whole block to catch up with her. My knees are killing me.
When I got to her, needless to say I was furious. Yanked her off her bike, told her to hold the stroller the rest of the way home. By this time she's so mad, she's screaming and spitting. Yes..spitting!!
So...the rest of the way home, Jake is riding her Barbie bike, Sophia is walking beside me while screaming...and I'm thinking my knees are going to give out at any moment. I'm sure we were quite a sight.
And the real kicker...when I finally caught with her I asked her if she heard me yelling at her to stop. "Yes Mommy...I did." That Barbie bike may need to take a LONG timeout if something like that happens again. Not only was it super embarrassing, but it was scary too because if I hadn't caught up to her, no telling when she would have stopped.