Monday, March 22, 2010

Germ central...

We've been hit with strep throat around here. I started it and the boys got hit next. Joshua has an ear infection too...which means he's in such a lovely mood. This is how I found him after nap time today. Too funny to pass up snapping a picture!!!
Hopefully Mike and Sophia will stay well. Odds aren't in their favor though!!!


Unknown said...

that's not funny - that's SO SAD! poor baby. sorry everyone is sick. are you starting the lysol ritual every hour like last spring?

Unknown said...

this is really mary, ps.

Kelly said...

Lysol Ritual...I know all about that. I think it was Spring Break 1997....I just remember being ready to die and amy was spraying me with lysol....I still hate that "clean linen" smell.

But, in all seriousness...sorry you are all sick. that stinks!

Shalon said...

oh, that poor baby - and poor mommy!!! I guess it's better for everyone to have it a once rather than get it one after another and have it last for weeks on end!

Hope everyone recovers soon!