Thursday, August 27, 2009

Comments about Kinder....

Jake has had 3 great days at school. He's happy to get up in the morning and has come out of school each day with a big smile on his face. I hope it continues to be like this!!

Some of the funny things he's said this week:

I sat by a girl at lunch but I don't know her name.
I played with a girl that starts with J.
The lunch (in the cafeteria) doesn't cost money. You just go through the line and they give you a tray. Hmmm...if only that were true!!!

We're all adjusting to the new routine. We're all dealing with less sleep than we need. Jake is probably having the easiest time since he's getting about his usual amount. Sophia usually sleeps late in the morning, sometimes until at least 8:00. So it's been a big change having to get up at 7:00 and ready to walk Jake to school. But, we'll get used to it!! I'm just SO happy that things are going smoothly so far!!

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