Monday, August 10, 2009

What a thrill....

The kids are taking swimming lessons this summer. Jake has been taking them for awhile, but Sophia just started in April. When the kids reach all the goals in the level they are in...they get to "ring the bell" and get a gold medal. Well, Sophia has been stuck on nose bubbles for awhile now. Everything else that was required at the PS2 level was NO problem. The nose bubbles took awhile to get. Finally Sophia passed and got to ring the bell today. Such excitement!! Stand on a box, have your name announced, ring the bell, get a certificate and gold medal. She was so excited. And Jake was excited for her. I was worried he would be mad, but he was fine with it. I wish he would get to the next level and get to ring the bell. But, next week is the last lesson and they're not taking them in the Fall, so it will be awhile before it's his turn for the big recognition.

Taken with my cell phone, so they're not the best. But, at least the moment was captured!!

Mid bell ringing!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

yay little fishie!!!