Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's official....

We just got a phone call from Jake's Kinder teacher this year...Ms. Cole. We'll go to Meet the Teacher on Friday. And so the Kindergarten experience begins!!!

I can't believe he's big enough to head to "real" school. And I can't believe that I'll be one of those parents holding the box of Kleenex on the first day. It's payback for when I was teaching Kinder and I said (year after year) "What is wrong with these parents?? Just say good-bye and leave. What's the big deal??" I know!!!!


Shalon said...

oh my goodness, our babies can't be starting kindergarten!!!! Be sure and share pics!!! When does school start?

Amy said...

School starts on Monday. I can't believe he's big enough to go!!! And I can't believe I've made it through the summer with a small amount of my sanity intact and the kids still in one piece!!!