Saturday, June 20, 2009

Catchin' up on pictures....

This past week has been fairly uneventful. I've tried to stay home a bit more in hopes of letting the kids realize that summer will not be nonstop entertainment. They're going to have to have fun just being at home too.

Joshua loves bath time!!

You can't go wrong wearing a new bikini and new "beautiful" hair accessories!!

One of the rare moments when Jake and Sophia play well together for long periods of time. We made play dough and they had so much fun with it. They were pretending to bake their cake and were taking it out of the oven.

Later that day they were both on the top bunk reading to each other. It was very sweet!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Love it! Playdough is something that my kids love, but I am guilty of not letting them play with it because I hate the mess....I think you may have inspired me to make some with them.