Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hot Summer Days...

What better thing to do when it's 104.5 in the shade than play on the slip-n-slide??? Seriously...our thermometer says 104.5 right now and the outside sensor is on the patio, which is covered. Makes me really wonder how hot it's going to get this summer!!!!

We walked over to Grammy's house this morning to play. Joshua is running a fever, so our activities are limited. The kids had a great time, of course!!!

The love for TV starts early!

I don't know about you...but when I get paper out to start a project I always wear my football helmet. It helps me think better!!!


Kelly said...

Fun! Keep out the slip and slide....we're coming over!

maryh said...

the slip and slide would be great for cousin camp - the church has some nice grassy areas we could use!