Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Tough to be Three....

The kids are down to one more day of school. Tomorrow is the official last day. Today was their last regular day. Mike has been out of town and it's wearing on all of us. Last night we had a huge thunderstorm and were up for literally hours. It was bad!!! So, the kids were tired today. Sophia was so excited when I picked her up from school because she had this big yellow balloon with a smiley face on it. Big big balloon!! We hadn't even made it home...and school is just next door so we can walk...before it popped. Oh the tears!! "My ba-balloon"...or something like that. It's funny the way she says it. She cried and cried and I felt so bad for her. Then, she looks up at me with big crocodile tears rolling down her face and said "Mrs. Pena told me not to pop it and I did." Poor little one!!!!!!! Made my heart break. Tired but excited about her balloon, trying to do what her teacher told her...and now it's gone. It's tough to be little!!!

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